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Sales And Distribution

Ginesys Sales and distribution is a key module of the ERP as it is the basic sales module for manufacturers, distributors, brands, retailers and wholesalers. It is used for store dispatch, franchisee billing, wholesales to distributors and small retailers and many other B2B sales scenarios. Ginesys S&D is powerful, configurable and complete with many reports such as order fill rate, sales order tracking, delivery challan register and more. 

Offline Retail and Multichannel Online Retail Inventory Management

Automated inventory tracking in ERP for retail transactions

Ginesys ERP seamlessly integrates with Ginesys retail management and point-of-sale (POS) systems. This integration ensures automated synchronization of inventory transfers between warehouses and retail stores, along with real-time updates on POS inventory within the ERP system. 

Inventory Management
WMS Bin Management

Real-Time Inventory Integration with Zwing Web and Mobile POS

The ERP system offers real-time inventory integration with both Zwing web POS and Zwing mobile POS, ensuring up-to-date inventory tracking and management across these products. You can send items to the store and the inventory information will be updated in real-time to the store and the same works for the reverse transfer as well. You will be able to check on live sales from the Zwing POS as well. 

Deep Integration with Ginesys One OMS

The ERP system provides deep inventory integration up to the warehouse bin level with Ginesys One OMS (Browntape). Consolidated warehouse inventory is synced to the OMS. When an order is received in the OMS from any online channel, it is synced to the ERP and automatically a bin-level reservation is done within the Warehouse Management System (WMS), enhancing efficiency and accuracy in e-commerce order fulfillment. Further inventory updates related to picking and shipping are also synced to the OMS. 

Order Management
Warehouse Operations APP
Product Management

Flexible Hierarchical Product Management

As retail is a very dynamic business with new items getting added almost daily, it is important to have a flexible product hierarchy structure with unlimited options to add and categorize new items. Ginesys ERP offers a three-level product hierarchy for efficient maintenance of item records. This hierarchy encompasses Divisions at the top level, followed by Sections, and finally Departments at the lowest level. These collectively form an 'Article' which can be linked to various Items.  

Large Number of Item Attributes for Information

Just creating items is not enough, you need options to define the product with enough fields like colour, size, weight, description, pattern and more to keep track of items across various collections, seasons and manufacturers. Ginesys ERP comes to the rescue with 40+ items fields to categorize and define the items. 


User-Defined Fields for SKUs

User-defined fields for SKUs allow for customization and flexibility in item records, enabling businesses to tailor the system to their unique needs and requirements. 

Stock Audits
Bin Capacity Tracker

Item Image for Easy Identification

Ginesys ERP allows for the inclusion of an item image. This feature enables users to easily identify items and utilize these images in various reports and transaction records. 

Item Serialization or Batch Item Options

Being a leading retail ERP, it supports item serialization as well as batch item management, with or without expiry date tracking. This feature is crucial for managing inventory effectively, especially for items that are time-sensitive or need to be tracked individually or in batches. This is especially useful for FMCG items which have both batch and expiry tracking requirements. 



Declutter warehouse with merging/ demerging with Ginesys WMS
Declutter warehouse with merging/ demerging with Ginesys WMS

GS1 Codes Tracking for SKUs

In retail and distribution in India, many brands opt to create GS1 codes for their stockkeeping units that are registered with GS1. Ginesys ERP has provisions to track these codes to better integrate with retail and distribution applications and help in generating SKU reports. 

GST Tracking Using HSN Codes

Tracking Goods and Services Tax (GST) through Harmonized System of Nomenclature (HSN) codes is essential for compliance and accurate tax calculations. Ginesys allows tagging of tax codes to the items to facilitate bulk updates of tax rates simply by updating tax rates at the tax code level. 

Declutter warehouse with merging/ demerging with Ginesys WMS
Declutter warehouse with merging/ demerging with Ginesys WMS
Inventory Transactions

Multiple Selection Methods for Quick Item Operations

Being a retail ERP with the possibility of handling thousands of items in a transaction, the ERP supports batch and barcode scanning everywhere. The inventory management system also provides various methods to select items throughout the ERP, including item search, filters, uploading lists of items, or selecting from previous transaction records. This flexibility enhances user experience and efficiency. 

Item Sets for Transaction Efficiency

Managing multiple similar SKUs simultaneously is a critical feature for efficient inventory management, as in kidswear you may have all sizes of an SKU in a set. The ERP enables sales and transfer transactions on item sets, facilitating bulk operations. 

Declutter warehouse with merging/ demerging with Ginesys WMS
Declutter warehouse with merging/ demerging with Ginesys WMS

Bulk Edit and Create Options Using Excel

The ability to bulk edit and create items using Excel or CSV is a powerful feature for mass updates and data entry, significantly reducing manual effort and enhancing productivity. Item attributes can be updated in bulk or items can be added in bulk via this option. 

Know Your Cost with Item Cost Tracking

For any ERP which is being used in retail, wholesale, distribution or production, accurate tracking of an item’s purchase cost is essential for determining the cost of goods sold (COGS) and raw material input costs in production. This feature helps in precise financial management and pricing strategies. This is the most important feature of Ginesys ERP inventory management module as it helps to get an accurate COGS sold and also gives you the current value of goods on hand. 

Declutter warehouse with merging/ demerging with Ginesys WMS
Declutter warehouse with merging/ demerging with Ginesys WMS

Keep it Fresh with Item Ageing Analysis

Monitoring inventory ageing or stock ageing (e.g. 30 days, 60 days old , 90 days old) across various periods and at various levels of the company, helps in keeping inventory fresh and increasing inventory turns. 

Keep Books Accurate with Stock Audits

Conducting stock audits at intervals either for the entire warehouse or for specific bins (where WMS is implemented) is a vital part of retail inventory management. It helps ensure that the book stock is in line with the physical stock (stock on the floor) 

Declutter warehouse with merging/ demerging with Ginesys WMS
Declutter warehouse with merging/ demerging with Ginesys WMS

Manage Inventory at Multiple Warehouses

The system's ability to manage multiple warehouses and stock points within these warehouses, including rack and bin management, is crucial for tracking the precise location of inventory, optimizing storage, and streamlining retrieval processes. 


In summary, these features highlight Ginesys ERP's comprehensive approach to precise and comprehensive retail inventory management, offering flexibility, precision, and efficiency in handling various SKU and item -related tasks and challenges for online retail, offline retail and wholesale and distribution.

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